Top Water Conservation Trends 2016

Gardening with less water continues to be a top priority for home owners in 2016. This was a top priority in 2014 and 2015, but new advances in technology are offering a wider range of effective options, and automating the low-tech options as well. With drought conditions continuing in parts of North America and the stress on municipalities to focus on water conservation, this will continue to be top of mind in 2016.

Smart Homes
The increasing trend of smart homes (fully automated and remotely controlled) continues and is now extending outside. Whether you want to control your outdoor sound system, lighting, or irrigation system from a tablet or smart phone the options continue to expand through smart water hubs and apps.

Automated irrigation systems aren’t new, but affordably priced options were often “buggy”. Due to falling prices and expanded production selection, home owners can expect to find a wider selection of affordable options. Wifi irrigation is getting two green thumbs up from home owners so far. Smart controllers can monitor weather conditions, soil types, slopes, and specific plant types. These controllers will adapt for seasonal adjustments reducing the number of times reprogramming is needed.

Harvesting Rainwater
Home owners continue to be interested in eco-friendly options and reducing their impact on the environment. With media attention recently focusing on the trend for large home on small lots and the prevalence of concrete and asphalt, the pressure on aging city infrastructure reinforces these desires. More and more home owners are planting edible gardens (mixing vegetables with flowering plants) and composting, and they want irrigation options that allow them to collect rain water and use it for landscape irrigation. Drip systems and root level irrigation systems are expected to gain in popularity.

This desire to have less impact on the environment doesn’t have to come at the cost of a home owner’s leisure time however, so low maintenance options are expected to gain popularity. These options can range from smart high-tech controllers to low-tech rain barrels feeding irrigation efforts.

Water-Design Elements
Incorporate water features into residential landscapes isn’t a new trend, but can conflict with water conservation efforts. However, the growing trend for rain barrels, water gardens, cascading ponds, rain showers, and fountains can be accommodated using the water harvesting tips above. Whether the desire is to collect water for irrigation purposes, to drown out ambient traffic or neighbourhood noises, options to make these elements efficient to recycle or conserve water will be a top priority.

Water Conservation
Some Canadian jurisdictions outside of Ontario are testing irrigation meters and offering rebates to those who upgrade or install efficient systems (if performed by qualified professionals). Reducing water-waste from ill-timed, ill-placed or unneeded irrigation is a continuing priority. Water saving upgrades to existing fixtures are expected to become more popular in 2016 and through 2017.

The move from water-hungry lawnscapes continues with many opting for edible gardens, mulched plant beds, terracing, and native plant selections that are more tolerant to drought.

The irrigation experts at Nutri-Lawn Burlington are here to help you with whatever your irrigation needs may be. If you would like to learn more, contact our friendly staff today!