Gypsy Moth Control in Burlington
One of the most annoying, and yet preventable hassles during summer is the gypsy moth. The gypsy moth is best dealt with in its earliest phases, the egg stage. However, if you're not sure how to use your Burlington lawn irrigation services and pest control to your advantage to quash these pests, read on. It may not be as difficult as you think.
Give Your Trees Strength
Before you do anything else you want to prevent the amount of damage that can be done to your trees. You need to do this by creating a healthy system of roots and leaves that are not vulnerable to bug infestations.
Not every homeowner thinks to water his or her trees. However, it's important that you do so in order to nurture a good, strong root system. Set up your Burlington lawn irrigation services so that your trees get a nice dose of water. Once you've done this, lay down a bed of mulch at the base of the trunk. This will ensure the water stays in the soil for the tree to feed on, rather than exiting into the atmosphere. Make sure not to over water, however, as this could bring a whole other load of problems in the form of tree diseases.
Finally, avoid damaging the roots of your tree. This will weaken the tree as a whole, as well as the root system itself, making the tree more susceptible to further damage by insects and diseases.
How Do The Bugs Attack Your Trees?
Basically, European gypsy moths attack the leaves themselves. You will begin to find dead and shrivelled leaves on your trees when moths are attacking. As with root damage, destruction of the tree's leaves will make your tree more vulnerable to further harm.
When is Moth Season?
The egg phase is from the autumn, about the start of September, until the spring, about late April. Don't let these moths get to the next phase in life. Scrape the seeds into a jar of soapy warm water and let sit for a few days until the eggs die. You may also use a hose, or vacuum cleaner to suck the egg masses off the building, tree, or area of your house in which they have congregated.
Getting Rid of the Caterpillars
Having a good Burlington lawn irrigation system for your trees and scraping the egg masses won't be enough to get rid of these pests, unfortunately. Once the caterpillars have appeared, begin attracting predatory birds to get rid of them. These are birds like crows, blackbirds, blue jays, and grackle, which will prey on insects. Installing a re-filling birdbath with your Burlington lawn irrigation system, as well as birdhouses and feeders are great ways to attract these friendly predators.
Another good thing to do is to apply sticky surfaces to the tree trunk. Young caterpillars will stick to this, and then you can get rid of them. Or, wrap a piece of burlap around the trunk and tie it in the center, before folding it in half at the cord to create a sack in which the caterpillars will crawl. Either way, you must be ready to kill a few caterpillars.
Gypsy moths are a hassle, but Burlington lawn irrigation services don't need to be. For your consultation today, contact Nutri-Lawn to minimize your labour, and maximize the effectiveness of your lawn care!