4 Essential Spring Burlington Irrigation Services Tips

Whether or not you have the perfect inground sprinkler system can truly be the make or break decision for the health of your lawn. When you're investing in Burlington irrigation services, you want to be able to see the effects and benefits as spring begins to bloom. Getting this means more than having the right irrigation system, though – it also involves having the right techniques. Nutri-Lawn Burlington is here to make sure you are engaging in the most effective inground sprinkler system practices so that your lawn is a beautiful oasis by summer time.  Read on for our 4 essential techniques for having the best lawn.

1. Set up a Schedule for your Nutri-Lawn Irrigation Services
The first step to attain your ideal lawn is to have a proper watering schedule. This includes adjusting both the amount of water fed to your lawn, and the time of day at which your Nutri-Lawn irrigation services are active.

A common misconception is that your lawn should be watered at night. Unfortunately, the cooler temperatures at night that are thought to be better in allowing your lawn to soak up water, also allow water to sit on top of your grass for too long. Without the sun to soak up excess liquid, water will sit for hours, sprouting all sorts of bacteria and breeding disease.

Early morning watering is best. The cooler temperature in the morning encourages water to soak into the soil, while the rising sun will soak up any excess to prevent disease. At Nutri-Lawn Burlington, we recommend giving your lawn only 1" to 2" inches of water a week in the early morning to prevent disease or overwatering.

2. Get a Rain Sensing Inground Sprinkler System
To remain in accordance with the recommended water schedule, invest in an inground sprinkler system with a rain sensor. This handy technology will turn off your Nutri-Lawn irrigation system when it has rained or is raining so that your lawn doesn't get a double dose. Not only will this save your grass from being drowned in H2O, but it also saves your water bill from becoming unnecessarily high.

3. Don't Begin too Early
Before you get ready to pump up your irrigation system, hold the hose and take a step back. Beginning to irrigate your lawn too early in the season can do more damage than good. Ask yourself a few questions before starting. Is there still snow on the ground, even small amounts? Is there a chance that it may snow again soon? Is it rainy? Is your ground frozen solid still?

If you say yes to any or all of these questions, it is likely not the time to begin watering. If you're unsure, Nutri-Lawn Burlington will be more than happy to get you on track to avoid damaging your lawn.

4. Engage in Water Conservation
All of the steps above will help you conserve water, but there's more you can do to prepare for spring while saving resources and money. Consider digging a few drainage trenches as the snow begins to melt or the rainy season picks up. These can go out to the road, if drainage is a problem, but it's even more helpful to connect these trenches to your garden. Your vegetable patch or flowers can get a healthy burst of water without your irrigation system kicking in.

Another good water conserving method is the use of rain barrels. These collect water from rain or from melting troughs that can then be used to feed your flowers. These are particularly practical to keep in case of drought. If you have rain barrels full of water when a drought hits, you'll be able to continue irrigating your plants without soaking up resources.

Don't wait to get started on your irrigation services for 2014. Contact Nutri-Lawn Burlington today for your complimentary consultation.