August Inground Irrigation Tips from Nutri-Lawn Burlington

August is a critical time in your lawn care routine. It is the month in which you begin to prepare for fall, and in doing so, to get ready for winter. It's essential that your lawn be treated properly to survive the transition into winter, as well as the following cold months. Burlington inground irrigation is a crucial part of this preparation. You want your Nutri-Lawn Burlington inground sprinkler systems to be working at their best level during this time of the summer. To make that happen, there are a couple of tips from Nutri-Lawn Burlington you can follow. Read on to find out what they are.

Keep a moist lawn
Summer may be winding down, but that doesn't mean your Burlington inground irrigation system should. It's important to maintain a moist lawn throughout August, as chinch bugs are beginning to populate the neighbourhood. Chinch bugs can do serious damage to the strength of your lawn, and they love to inhabit dry spaces. Keep your Nutri-Lawn Burlington inground sprinkler systems on top gear throughout August and September to ward off these pesky surface insects.

Don't waste water
Your lawn won't be receiving anything from your Burlington inground irrigation for several months throughout the winter, so you don't want to waste any water in this last month of summer. To make the most out of your Nutri-Lawn Burlington inground sprinkler systems, you'll want to dethatch and aerate. These are two processes offered by Nutri-Lawn Burlington that prevent your lawn from being suffocated.

Thatch is the layer of detritus on the surface of your lawn that has failed to fully decompose over the summer. It is a great breeding place for disease, shelter for insects – including chinch – throughout the winter, and acts as an impregnable blanket through which nutrients and water struggle to penetrate to your grass roots below. Core aeration can remove the thatch layer if there is 3 inches or less. Otherwise, you'll want to dethatch.

Core aeration is also important because it provides your lawn with breathing holes. Over the summer months, your lawn becomes compacted. A compacted lawn struggles to take in the Burlington inground irrigation, nutrients, and oxygen that you are attempting to provide. Nutri-Lawn Burlington will punch tubes of soil out from your lawn to create small tunnels through which nutrients may travel.

Prepare for nematodes
Many homeowners deal with the problem of grubs around this time. Beneficial nematodes are the best way to get rid of grubs, but they must be prepared for with Burlington inground irrigation. Following a nematode application, expect to run your Nutri-Lawn Burlington inground sprinkler systems regularly for 10 days to maintain a moist environment for your nematodes.

Maintain conservation techniques
August is a dry month, and as such, it is more important than ever that you continue water-conserving practices. Nutri-Lawn Burlington can help you find the best conservation techniques for your lawn. These can be as simple as installing a rain barrel to collect and recycle water.

Don't be lax on your Burlington inground irrigation this August. Receive your complimentary consultation on Nutri-Lawn Burlington inground sprinkler systems today.