Are You Harming Your Lawn By Watering Too Often?

If you are like most people, your dream lawn is one that is lush, healthy and green. Have you ever considered that what you see is a product of what you don't see? The green lawn that you see can only be healthy if the part that you don't see is healthy. Of course we're talking about your lawn's root system! Well irrigated lawns that are encouraged to develop deep and healthy root systems are better able to bounce back from cold winter temperatures, stay thick and lush even in the worst summer heat, and resist mold, rot and mildew.

The best way to encourage deep root growth is through targeted irrigation and proper feeding of nutrients. Maintaining a proper length will also help to develop strong roots.

Targeted Irrigation

Many homeowners water every other day regardless of soil type or existing moisture levels thinking that keeping the soil hydrated is best for the lawn. This may actually be counterproductive and could be damaging your lawn. Frequent short waterings allow lawns to develop a shallow root system because it isn't forced to grow deeper roots to access stored water in the soil. The type of soil may affect this since sandy soil won't hold water long enough and a poor draining soil may hold the water too long which can lead to rot and disease. It is important to know what type of soil you have.

The general rule for proper irrigation is that less frequent, deeper waterings are more helpful in the long run for your lawn. These deeper waterings help your lawn's roots to grow deeper and stronger. A deep watering should be enough to have the moisture penetrate 4 to 6 inches into the soil. These deeper waterings encourage the roots to grow deeper and stronger leading to a stronger, healthier lawn.

But how do you know how far down the moist soil goes? One of the best ways to make sure that your lawn is being properly watered is to use an in-ground irrigation system equipped with sensors for moisture and weather.

Feeding Nutrients

Feeding your lawn with fertilizers that encourage root growth is also helpful. Specifically phosphorus and potassium are helpful for developing a strong root system. There are many readily available fertilizers available, but why not optimize the efficiency (and ensure maximum benefit is delivered) by administering liquid fertilizer through an in-ground irrigation system. Applying fertilizer in this way ensures your lawn will never be burnt by fertilizer not fully dissolved, or that only partial benefits are delivered. Liquid fertilizer can be applied in conjunction with your regular watering routine without adding any extra work or using additional water.

Proper Length

How short do you keep your lawn? A good rule of thumb is that you should never cut more than one third of the overall length of your grass. Cutting your lawn too short can damage the lawn and slow root growth while your lawn works to repair the leaves. Grass should ideally be kept between 2 and 3 inches in length. It is better to have a few shorter cuttings rather than all at once in one cutting.

If you've been experiencing problems with your lawn or if you are just looking for a better way to be more consistent with waterings, an in-ground sprinkler system can help. Contact us today to see how an in-ground sprinkler system can help your lawn grow strong and healthy.