How To Tell If You Are Over Watering Your Lawn

Grass, like any other plants, have certain growing conditions they prefer. Insects and weeds often have the ability to thrive in the conditions that stress out your lawn giving them the advantage. In this part of Canada, there are many extreme weather conditions we have no control over, however we can control how much additional water we give our lawns. But how much is too much? How do you know if you're delivering too much of a good thing?

Ideally, your lawn should receive consistent deep watering once a week or once every two weeks if it rains. This encourages deep root growth which helps protect your lawn against drought, disease, winter-kill. It also keeps the water out of reach for the shallow-rooted weeds trying to get rooted in your yard.


Too much of any good thing isn't helpful and water is no exception. Roots need air to breathe, believe it or not, and there are myriads of small air pockets in the soil. When it rains, those air pockets are filled until the moisture drains away. If your lawn is submerged or the water never really drains or evaporates, the roots will suffocate basically. There's no coming back from root rot. You'll have to overseed, put down sod or plant seed.

Weak Roots

Plant roots that consistently have water within easy reach will have shallow roots because they don't need to dig down deep for water. Grass with shallow roots will be stressed by extreme weather (heat, cold, drought, wind, etc.) By watering for short periods often, you're doing more damage than good even though your grass might "look good" for a season.

Lost Nutrients

Water delivers certain nutrients to plants, but too much water can wash away important nutrients in the soil. The obvious solution would seem to apply fertilizer, but a vicious cycle has now been created that will need to be maintained for your grass to thrive. Fertilizer is a good thing, water is a good thing, but each in its measure.

Know Your Soil

Soil is made up of a cocktail of components that affect how water is absorbed. Clay-based soils hold the water longer and drainage can be an issue. Sandy soil won't hold moisture as long and keeping plants moist could be a problem. It's wise to have your soil tested every 3-5 years to know what kind of soil you have and adjust the sprinkler systems in your yard accordingly.

Smart In-Ground Irrigation Systems

We have four distinct seasons which bring different amounts of water. Spring is wet, summer is dry, fall is ideal for maintaining plants until the cold weather arrives and then no moisture reaches plants until spring again. Nutri-Lawn Burlington Irrigation's smart in-ground sprinkler system can take the guess work out of how much water is in the soil and how much additional water your lawn and plants need to thrive. Smart systems can be set to timers, and zones can ensure that the shady part of your yard isn't over watered and your full-sun yard isn't parched.

Contact us today for your complimentary quote.