Snow Mould: What it is and how to fix it

With the warm temperatures we've been experiencing this week, it may be safe to say we're in the clear when it comes to snow. So now that the snow is gone and spring has finally arrived, you can start preparing your lawn and garden for the warm weather soon to come.

But if you go outside this weekend and are shocked at the condition of your once-beautiful and lush lawn, don't be alarmed.

You're not the only one who will be disappointed to see small brown and yellow patches of dead and matted grass blades. This is a common condition known as snow mould, and while it looks ugly right now, you'll be happy to know there is a way to fix it.

Snow Mould

Snow mould is commonly seen as small circular patches of dead grass blades that are matted or "glued" together like a web. In most cases, the aftermath of snow mould is seen as dry, straw-like yellow or brown splotches covering your lawn.

Preventing Snow Mould

Like most lawn diseases, prevention plays a large role in protecting your grass from falling victim to conditions like snow mould. Preventative measures you can take include:

  • Mowing your lawn in the fall, even as it starts to go dormant
  • Cleaning your lawn of mowed glass clippings and leaves in the late fall
  • Aerating your lawn
  • Managing thatch

How to Fix Snow Mould

When it's too late for preventative measures, and snow mould is already present, you'll need to give your lawn a little tender loving care to get it back to an even, lush and healthy state.

You should focus on raking the area where snow mould has popped up and reseed any bare spots in your lawn.

Reseeding Bare Spots

Before laying down any seeds, you'll want to remove the dead turf. For easy removal, use a spade or shovel to lift out the dead turf. To help the new seeds germinate quickly, fill the bare spots with a layer of topsoil.

When the bare spots are prepped and ready, put down a thin layer of seeds. Gently rake the seeds into the soil to ensure an even spread.


One of the most important factors to ensuring germination of new seeds is giving the area the right amount of water. Water the bare areas in the early morning and late evening until the seeds germinate. When sprouting occurs, you'll need to water the area everyday to ensure quick and steady growth.

Use an In Ground Sprinkler System

Water is an important part of the reseeding process. If snow mould has left your lawn with dead and bare patches, you'll need to reseed the damaged areas in order to get an even and healthy lawn again.

To ensure you don't fall behind on giving your newly seeded areas the water they need to grow, use the customizable settings on your in ground sprinkler system to program daily watering times in the early morning and late evening. Simply pre-set the timer and let the system do all the work. Once the bare spots have grown back in, you'll hardly remember the shock you experienced after seeing the snow mould gave you this spring.

For more information about treating snow mould, or to learn about the many benefits of an in ground sprinkler system, contact Nutri-Lawn Burlington today.