Why You Need Inground Irrigation

Proper irrigation is one of the main ingredients needed for a lush and healthy lawn. And installing an inground sprinkler system will help conserve time, money, and water.

This may sound reasonably simple, but proper irrigation is about efficiency. Sure, you could drag a hose across the lawn once a month or let a portable sprinkler water the driveway and sidewalk, but proper irrigation will deliver the right amount of water for your soil and plant types (taking sun and shade into consideration), at the right time (not during a thunderstorm), prevent wasted water, it saves you time AND conserves water. Whew!

The Right Amount Of Water:

Several factors must be considered when determining the right amount of water that your lawn requires - how well the soil holds water, how much moisture is currently present, and how well your lawn drains.

The amount of water your soil can hold will play the biggest role as it will determine how much water your lawn will need each time. How much moisture and how well it drains will determine how frequently the lawn is watered. Enough water should be applied to thoroughly soak the roots of the grass, but not so much there is runoff.

As the water is absorbed by the root system and naturally drains out of the soil, additional waterings may be required in order to sufficiently water the lawn. This will largely be impacted by how quickly your lawn drains. Sandy soil will drain much faster and may need a few cycles of watering to adequately supply the lawn roots. Loamy soil will require fewer cycles as it holds the water near the roots longer.

The right amount of water is not only more than "too little," it is also less than "too much." Some soils drain so poorly that overwatering can be a real danger. Overwatering can lead to problems with mold, root rot, and disease. It's important to know the soil characteristics and current moisture content when watering your lawn.

At The Right Time

Timing your watering is an important part of proper irrigation. The time of day when a lawn is watered is important. Early morning waterings are best as the water will not evaporate like it might in the middle of the day and gives plants a chance to dry. Watering in the evening can leave plants wet all night promoting fungus growth.

Also important is how often the lawn gets watered. Less frequent, deeper waterings done just as the lawn begins to wilt will encourage deep root growth leading to a healthier lawn.

Applied Efficiently

Water should be applied at a rate that is not faster than the soil can absorb it. Inground sprinklers do the best job of this and should be positioned to provide even distribution across the entire lawn. A concentrated flow of water will not provide even distribution, and will usually exceed the rate at which your lawn can absorb it.

Inground Irrigation System

The most efficient way to conserve time and water--and have a lush, green lawn, is through a smart inground sprinkler system from Nutri-Lawn Burlington equipped with smart moisture and weather sensors, timers you can adjust with your phone, and even deliver timed fertilizer. contact us today to discuss how we can help you get started! You'll be glad you did!