Why You Need To Irrigate In Fall

It still feels like summer, but the calendar says September - so cooler temperatures are on their way. Thankfully, our lawns and gardens aren't quite done performing and growing for the season. Grass, any fall blooms and new trees or bushes, will need additional water to ensure they have good root growth to survive the winter.

Fall is the season where all plants get serious about survival as they prepare for the cold temperatures ahead. Fall is unpredictable. Usually we see more rainfall, but that's not always the case. Continue irrigating your lawn in the fall as you have been throughout the year in case precipitation doesn't happen when we need it most.

The additional water provided by your in-ground irrigation system may mean the difference between winter kill and spring blooms for your new plants. The time is coming to shut down your irrigation system, but maybe leave it running for a couple more weeks just to be safe.

Avoid Winter Kill

One of the reasons new plants and especially trees and shrubs don't survive the winter is because of a lack of adequate water during the growing season. A plant that's already stressed doesn't prepare for colder temperatures as well as one that's thriving. A new plant needs deep strong roots to survive whatever winter throws out, so remember to water deep about once a week. There's still time throughout the fall for even new plants to get enough roots down to survive.


Evergreen bushes and trees may not lose their leaves/needles in the fall, but they don't grow or take in water when the ground is frozen either. Think of it like an arctic desert. Some plants to take special care to water well in fall would be yew, hemlock, boxwood, holly, and rhododendron.

Be careful not to unintentionally spur new growth though. You want the plant to focus on growing deep roots, not blooming or growing new branches. When the leaves start to fall from the deciduous trees, it's a good indicator to stop watering your evergreens as well.


If you haven't yet added mulch around your trees and shrubs, let us try one more time this season to convince you. Mulch comes in a variety of colours and textures and prices. It's easy to put down and offers multiple benefits. It's great insulation against the cold in winter. In the woods, the fallen leaves provide the insulation. In our gardens, mulch looks a bit nicer. Mulch helps keep the moisture in the soil so you're keeping plants happy and conserving water. Additionally, mulch does help keep the weeds down and it helps all your gardens have a uniform manicured look.

If you're looking for expert help to create the lawn you've always wanted or to winterize your inground irrigation system, give our sprinkler system experts at Nutri-Lawn Burlington Irrigation a call. Take the guess work out of residential irrigation contact us today for your complimentary quote.